• 9448193220
  • sevakbelgaum@gmail.com
  • No. 3826, Nityadhar building, Tipu Sultan Nagar, Machhe, Belagavi

Covid-19 Crises Response

The Predicament

CoronaVirus 2019 (COVID-19), an illness caused by a novel coronavirus, was first identified in China in 2019. It took the world by storm leading to a worldwide pandemic, affecting thousands of people by infecting their respiratory organs.


What was the measure taken by the Indian government to control the Covid-19 Pandemic?

On March 24, 2020, the Government of India had announced a three-week nationwide lockdown, which has inevitably continued for 45 days further to contain the spread of coronavirus in the country. During the lockdown, the government-sanctioned food and income security packages for working and marginalised labours.  


How much affected was the economy and the living condition of the people?

The economic impact of the Covid – 19 pandemic in India has been largely disruptive. The countrywide lockdown has to a greater extent, hurt marginalised communities due to loss of livelihood and lack of food, shelter, health, and other basic needs. Despite announcing the packages for food and income security for the working and marginalised labour forces, government measures to the poor were found to be inadequate. They very often hardly reached the needy in the interior villages due to the Lockdown crises. Overall, the marginalised communities who earn their livelihood by daily wage faced a unique set of challenges due to the lockdown disaster. 


The Solution

A need arose from the very first day of the imposition of lockdown for the responsible non-profit and civil society organisations to join hands with the government machinery. The responsible non-profit and civil society organisations had to complement the government’s efforts in containing the pandemic by supporting health care and economic measures to the poor, isolated and vulnerable who are largely affected by the COVID 19 Lockdown in the country.

As a responsible organisation working with the marginalised communities during this time of crisis, SEVAK joined hands with the District Administration of Belgaum. The joint committee implemented COVID Crisis Response action with the support of ATC, India, New Delhi, Terre Des Hommes, Netherlands, Comic Relief Fund, United Kingdoms and Zomato Feeding India, New Delhi. The target communities of the COVID, 19 Crisis Response project, are 2000 families who are economically vulnerable such as:

  • Family dependent on daily wages
  • Family with aged persons
  • Widow & destitute women-led families
  • Family dependent on migrant workers

Awareness program

The Project interventions, activities & delivery mechanism were planned and provided. The COVID-19 Prevention involved Training, Awareness Creation and facilitating Government welfare schemes. The step taken to this are as follow:

  • Preparation of IEC and BCC materials and creating awareness to vulnerable and affected families about COVID-19
  • Printing and distribution of pamphlets for sensitising both communities and Government officials for smooth facilitation of Government schemes for needy families

Provision of Safety & Hygiene Kits

Supply of Safety & Hygiene Kits and Food Essentials given to needy families are as follows:

  • Supply of Safety & Hygiene pack
  • Supply of Dry ration Relief pack

Provision of Nutrition food

Nutritious food was provided to vulnerable and affected people sheltered at Migrant workers’ safe homes. Supply of nutritious food was made consistently to destitute, and the migrant workers found isolated during the lockdown period.


Project’s achievement thus far...

Each of the 2000 families in the selected area were provided with a dry ration kit which was sufficient for one month for a family of 5 persons. The same number of families and frontline health workers had also been provided with hygiene kits consisting of liquid soap, hand sanitisers, washing and bathing soap cakes, masks, and hand glows. A set of IEC materials such as handbills and posters were produced to create awareness on containing COVID 19 infection.

Be a part of the beacon that brings hope.

The Covid-19 is continuing to hammer down the living condition of the marginalised and lower-class people. The depression, inadequate supply and income are much worse than the virus itself. Our awareness and reinforcement program is intended to help the people in need of the supply for their livelihood. Join us and be a part of this important mission to provide for the people in need of ration and support in these desperate times. 


About Us

S E V A K stands for Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka. S E V A K was founded in the year 2009 as a registered society registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 in Belgaum district, Belgaum.


Contact Us

  • Location

    No. 3826, Nityadhar building, Tipu Sultan Nagar, Machhe, Belagavi – 590014 Karnataka, India

  • Phone No

    08312412712 +91 9448193220

  • Email


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